Wednesday, October 22, 2014

                             Comedy 101

Ever since I heard I was writing about my English class for English class I was more than excited.  Everyday fifth period I really anticipate this twelfth grade English class. The constant humor and effortless entertainment I get from my awkwardly, misplaced, English teacher brings me back almost everyday.  P.S I Know you're reading this but don't take this so personal.  With all the mixed personalities we all bring a different types of humor to the table.  At first I didn't think Ms. H would manage because I saw the frustration in her face expression every time the class had an outbreak.  It seemed as if she didn't connect with us and didn't belong at TMA.  As the weeks passed I saw a change in her attitude. She adopted some feistiness and sarcasm that I find quite amusing. And although we have some hard times I always seem get a good laugh out of it.  But what I like about English is the diverse personalities like Aquafina's smart answers, Taylor's nonchalant attitude, and Fanta's unaware disrespect.  Without even trying, jokes find their way to class faster than we do.  As far as learning goes- it doesn't. I Feel like at this point anything we learned in English before is enough. I feel like there's not enough things to learn in English that we needed four years of it.  What else is there to learn? So since im not taking anything out, the education qualities of this class, im just going to milk it for all it's humor.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Passion. As nice and friendly I am you would think I'm passionate and caring for a lot of things but actually I'm not a very passionate person. I don't care for a lot of things or for what people think is important. What I'm passionate about the most is my home.  Usually people say important people in their lives but I'm not like most people. I am passionate about my friend/family but there's nothing quite like home. Relaxation.  No one can tell you anything In  you're  house besides an annoying mother  but other than that it's good for the most part. Home is where I sleep.  I used to hate going to sleep as a child but now that I'm a senior,and all the stress got ten times worse ,there's nothing I would love to do more than sleep. For eight hours ,maybe, you're stress free with no one but you're mind, comfort, and inner thoughts that sculpts dreams from the color scheme you only see on the back of your eyelids. Nobody, no worries just pure happiness.  Passion. You're untouchable in the dark with no self image, no systems just you living without set paths.   Time goes by so slow but your sleep seems like it ends too quick. You don't really remember what you was thinking or what happened when you was sleep but you knew it was spectacular. The experience is really unexplainable but we're all familiar with it.  After the awakening your then curious and tired making what was just sleep now an addiction.  Passion. Without a home to sleep, life withholds my passion- Geraldo C. Bahamundi