Sunday, December 14, 2014

If I Cared about a Dedication.

Hey guys!  This blog I would like to step out the box of my usual ways and talk about something serious.  Recently I was given an assignment to write a senior dedication.  Now if you know me by now you know that school work and I don't go together.  So instead of taking the time out and thanking each and every friend that I have, that's special to me, I chose to look at it as a general statement about school. So today I would like to show my appreciation for these special people at TMA. First I would like to start with Destiny.  Destiny is one of the sweetest, strongest and beautiful people I know.  I've gotten to know her and with knowing her comes with A lot of listening.  No matter what she goes through she always make it out with no problem. She teaches me to stay strong no matter what. Next up is Stephanie.  This girl understands me on another level.  She notices the little things I change and always glorifies it.  We share a lot of interests and with her its nothing but good times.  Her swag is swaggy ,if that makes sense. She does it so effortlessly and in that way she inspires me. Next on the list is Yasmin.  Yasmin is one of the funniest people I know. There's not one day I go without laughing when I'm with her. She's pretty and funny. What else do you need? We also share a lot of the same qualities like being adventurous, outspoken, eccentric and feisty. Sweet but when you take her there she feisty. Delivering her words, filled with confidence, she inspires me.  Continuing with someone dear to me is Ms. Teanna Willis. Now Teanna is different.  She's a bit more boogie than others. She's on the honor roll, dress like she's insta famous, and wears make up. She's driven and make sure her future is looking bright. And in that way she inspires me. Last but not least is someone I will love forever. Amber Bovian.  She's graduated last year but played a lot in my High school career.  She shared all the same qualities as me and more.  From tv shows we watch to the things we do, we were the same. I have to admit she's much more wiser than me and told me when I was wrong.  But no matter how wrong I was she stood by my side the whole way.  When we don't speak she checks up on me to see if I'm good. Attending her Graduation last year Might have been the greatest inspiration of all. These are the best sisters that anyone could ask for and in there own little way they inspire me to be a better brother.  I would also like to thank some special people that didn't get a cool backstory. Valerie, Christopher, Fanta, Tabria, Daniesha, Shalonda, and Taylor. You guys make the school day easier for me and I appreciate it. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the year and enjoy your lives. Congratulations to those who made this list. It was exclusively made. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dictatorship 101

Honestly I'm not that excited about writing this blog.  I know right now you guy are asking yourselves "Then why you writing?"  What you don't know is I'm being forced by my English teacher.  Failing to complete this task may result in a failing grade so writing this is exactly what imam do.  I know in one of my last blogs I told you guys about my hilarious English class but not all classes are like that.  My government class is quite the opposite.  The teacher's style is a little less than dictatorship.  Everybody probably say I don't Show up to the class enough to have an opinion but I never was the one to hold my tongue.  Her class is the hardest one yet.  She continuously assigns unnecessary project and papers.  Surprisingly after school she's fun and bearable but that only confuses me. Although she's cool after school, don't think for one second she's going to accept a late assignment.  "Why don't you persuade here or argue with her?" There's no winning. No matter how right you are, you're wrong. She need to calm it down and a little.  Accept human mistakes and keep it pushing. That's my blog ms.Hegeman. Update my pupil path.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


*Warning, the following video may be viewed as offensive and uses language for adult viewers only*

Misunderstood Talent

Growing up in New York City , home of Hip Hop, rap music is essential in one's life. But what some don't understand is that rap is produced in different forms.  I've spend a lot of my spare time watching a different form of hip hop called battle rap. Battle rap is when two MC's are matched up to rap to each other for three rounds.  People often assume it's just violent words that rhyme but what they don't understand is the work that goes into these battles.  Their verses are not just rhyming violence. There's similes, metaphors, word play, schemes, and delivery are some of the things MCs use in a battle. Word play is simply changing the pronunciation  of a word to change the meaning but still having a connection. I don't know, its kind of hard to explain. A scheme is using words of a similar topic in your verse. Imma give some examples later.  My Favorite so far is 40 Barrs. She's my favorite because her calm but threatening delivery is entertaining. Her creativity gives me goose bumps and makes me come back to watch every time. The video above is 40barrs vs Bonnie Godiva. I choose this one in particular because she did really good in this one, she looks amazing and in the fist few lines she uses word play in a scheme. She says " The Bean need  (Beanie) me, sun visor I smack B******, bonnet only take a minute we fitted (hat) to cap b******, I snapback(also a type of hat) in my killer mode bucket (hat again) plus I move cheep, these bullets hit lids and flip skully's for a cool fee (koofi: type of cap)." If you don't understand ill explain.  The bean is boston , her hometown, but she says is as beanie the hat. bonnet sounds similar to bonnie so she used it still talking about a sort of cap. Fitted is another type of hat and she also uses the word for its other meaning, Perfect fitting or liable. By now you should be able to understand how it work. Battle rap is full of thing like this and people don't don't always catch it but once you get use to it you see the beauty and talent behind it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

                             Comedy 101

Ever since I heard I was writing about my English class for English class I was more than excited.  Everyday fifth period I really anticipate this twelfth grade English class. The constant humor and effortless entertainment I get from my awkwardly, misplaced, English teacher brings me back almost everyday.  P.S I Know you're reading this but don't take this so personal.  With all the mixed personalities we all bring a different types of humor to the table.  At first I didn't think Ms. H would manage because I saw the frustration in her face expression every time the class had an outbreak.  It seemed as if she didn't connect with us and didn't belong at TMA.  As the weeks passed I saw a change in her attitude. She adopted some feistiness and sarcasm that I find quite amusing. And although we have some hard times I always seem get a good laugh out of it.  But what I like about English is the diverse personalities like Aquafina's smart answers, Taylor's nonchalant attitude, and Fanta's unaware disrespect.  Without even trying, jokes find their way to class faster than we do.  As far as learning goes- it doesn't. I Feel like at this point anything we learned in English before is enough. I feel like there's not enough things to learn in English that we needed four years of it.  What else is there to learn? So since im not taking anything out, the education qualities of this class, im just going to milk it for all it's humor.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Passion. As nice and friendly I am you would think I'm passionate and caring for a lot of things but actually I'm not a very passionate person. I don't care for a lot of things or for what people think is important. What I'm passionate about the most is my home.  Usually people say important people in their lives but I'm not like most people. I am passionate about my friend/family but there's nothing quite like home. Relaxation.  No one can tell you anything In  you're  house besides an annoying mother  but other than that it's good for the most part. Home is where I sleep.  I used to hate going to sleep as a child but now that I'm a senior,and all the stress got ten times worse ,there's nothing I would love to do more than sleep. For eight hours ,maybe, you're stress free with no one but you're mind, comfort, and inner thoughts that sculpts dreams from the color scheme you only see on the back of your eyelids. Nobody, no worries just pure happiness.  Passion. You're untouchable in the dark with no self image, no systems just you living without set paths.   Time goes by so slow but your sleep seems like it ends too quick. You don't really remember what you was thinking or what happened when you was sleep but you knew it was spectacular. The experience is really unexplainable but we're all familiar with it.  After the awakening your then curious and tired making what was just sleep now an addiction.  Passion. Without a home to sleep, life withholds my passion- Geraldo C. Bahamundi 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Personally I think it’s unfair to have to write an entire blog, telling you who I am, when in all actuality im only getting to understand myself.  I am now becoming an adult so any idea of who I am may not be permanent. If we think we have an idea of who we are then it’s not 100% correct. My idea of myself might change when I get older but for the most part I’m a very unique and unpredictable person. It’s safe to say there’s not one like.  I’m always challenging something when I feel it’s not right. To most people the beach is usually a summer time thing here in New York City. One winter day, after school, my friends and I took a trip to Coney Island beach in Brooklyn.  With no f*%#s given about the weather we played in the sand and took pictures by the water.  In your head you might be thinking “oh it’s just a trip to the beach” but in my head it’s changing the game, or changing what seems to be such a simple idea. I’m not one to “Go with the Flow” when it comes to thinking.  I’m not allowing society to think for me so I will continue try new things.  Personality wise im very easy going with most people but I don’t like big crowds of people. I draw and sing all the time but not comfortable with how I draw or sing.  I’m very feminine at times but I keep a little hood in me just in case someone forgets. Basically I’m a walking contradiction but that’s really what makes me Geraldo. I am Geraldo Bahamundi and welcome to my Blog