Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dictatorship 101

Honestly I'm not that excited about writing this blog.  I know right now you guy are asking yourselves "Then why you writing?"  What you don't know is I'm being forced by my English teacher.  Failing to complete this task may result in a failing grade so writing this is exactly what imam do.  I know in one of my last blogs I told you guys about my hilarious English class but not all classes are like that.  My government class is quite the opposite.  The teacher's style is a little less than dictatorship.  Everybody probably say I don't Show up to the class enough to have an opinion but I never was the one to hold my tongue.  Her class is the hardest one yet.  She continuously assigns unnecessary project and papers.  Surprisingly after school she's fun and bearable but that only confuses me. Although she's cool after school, don't think for one second she's going to accept a late assignment.  "Why don't you persuade here or argue with her?" There's no winning. No matter how right you are, you're wrong. She need to calm it down and a little.  Accept human mistakes and keep it pushing. That's my blog ms.Hegeman. Update my pupil path.


  1. Omg i agree Ms.Tomlin is so confusing !!!!!! She is so bipolar but i think she takes her job very seriously and has a clear understanding of when its time to paly and when its time to teach.

  2. I think Ms. Tomlin is doing you a favor by not accepting late work. If your boss won't accept late work, then how are we helping you prepare for life after school if teachers do?
